The Recorder Player's Introduction to Jazz

Gianluca Barbaro
Almost fifteen years ago two fundamental pioneers and wonderful musicians published an article in American Recorder magazine: The Recorder Player's Introduction to Jazz.

With permission from the two authors, Pete Rose and Joel Levine, and the American Recorder Society, I am pleased to make a pdf copy of that article here available to everyone, just click here to download it.

2009-10-16 update: A lot of thanks to Joel Levine for sending me the original recording of the transcribed blues solo included in the article.

It is an original piece composed by pianist Uri Caine and recorded in Philadelphia during the early 80's.

Title: May Oui? (U. Caine)

Joel Levine - recorder
Uri Caine - piano
Wayne Dockery - bass
Mickey Roker - drums

You can download a partial mp3 file by clicking here.

"The Recorder Player's Introduction to Jazz" was first published in American Recorder in May 1995 (XXXVI:3:6). For more information, please visit