Mobile Applications Development
TobelStudio is one of the most active companies in Italy developing applications for Palm OS devices and the first in Italy to release Palm OS shareware apps, all of which have proved to be very popular.
TobelStudio is the publisher of ItaPUG, the Italian Palm User Group website.
In 2001 I was even featured on an Italian Tech&Lifestyle magazine, (Jack, issue n. 5 - February 2001) with an
article that explained my pioneering activities in mobile app development.
My main shareware title was TS Noter, a music editor.
TS Noter
The professional musical editor for Palm
TS Noter is a program for musicians and music learners based on the Palm Computing® Platform. It provides a highly-efficient and professional musical editor which allows you to note down your music wherever you might be.
Here is one of the many reviews that were published during those years:
[...] TS Noter is an intuitive and straightforward program with a variety of useful features. In TS Noter's Edit View, you enter notes on a two-staff score by selecting anote value from a palette. The palette includes values from a wholenote to a 64th note and also provides triplets, rests, flats, sharps,natural signs, and an Eraser tool. Once a note is entered, you can select one of the note values and tap on the note head to change it. You can drag the note up or down to change the pitch, and you can tie or slur notes together. Bar lines are entered in the same way: by tapping on an icon and then placing the bar line in the score. Although you can't specify a time signature, you can set the tempo in the metronome screen.
The Edit menu provides the usual cut and paste functions and allows as many as ten undo levels. You can transpose all or part of a song up or down by as much as an octave. A toolbar across the top of the window offers quick access to the tempo setting (using the metronome);playback, MIDI, and recording preferences; Play and Stop buttons; the Score view; and the List view. The Piano view has the same basic menus and toolbar and permits real-time recording of a melody on a keyboard.You can scroll to view and play almost four octaves. In the MIDIPreferences screen, you can choose the Palm's speaker or a MIDI interface for output. If you select General MIDI (GM), the program provides a list of patch names.
A few other Apps I developed:
TS Tempo
The definitive metronome for your music
TS Tempo is a program for musicians based on the Palm Computing® Platform. It provides a highly-efficient digital electronic metronome.
Now supports:
Graffiti input Subdivisions
TS EspMeter
Test your Esp
TS EspMeter is a simple application to test your Extra Sensorial Perceptions. In order to measure your Esp level, simply draw a card and try to guess it by tapping on one of the five figures at the bottom of the screen.
EspMeter calculates your score by performing some statistical processing on your guesses.
TS MyAlarms
The midi tune and alarm manager for Palm
MyAlarms is a tiny utility which allows you to fully manage system alarm sounds. You can easily play, rename, delete each single tune or restore, directly on Palm, the original sounds. Plus, MyAlarms gives you the opportunity to create many different archives in order to build your own collections and to carry with you thousands of alarm tunes.
And in Italian only:
TS CodiceF
Generatore di codice fiscale per Palm
TS CodiceF è un'applicazione per Palm che permette la generazione del codice fiscale a partire dai dati anagrafici della persona.
Client FTP grafico per Palm
TS FTP è il primo client FTP grafico sviluppato per la piattaforma Palm Computing con funzionalità interne per l'editing testuale, indirizzato in modo particolare a Webmaster e amministratori di sistema. TS FTP consente di scaricare editare e aggiornare file in formato testo. TS FTP permette la conversione automatica di fileASCII da e verso Palm e offre pieno supporto allo standard DOC. L'applicazione sarà in distribuzione entro la fine dell'anno tramite i normali canali shareware e presso questo sito.
TS FTP è stato presentato in anteprima a Smau 2000.
TS Reader
WCA per la lettura di testi elettronici
TS Reader è una Web Clipping application basata sulla tecnologia TS WCBook, una innovativa tecnologia client/server per la gestione degli E-book via Internet verso dispositivi palmari.
TS Reader è stato presentato in anteprima a Smau 2000.