Nuovi libri disponibili su Amazon / New books
Disponibili su in Inglese:
Collana Musicalia (Musicalia series)
Foundation and Practice of Music, pp. 160, color
A theoretical and practical textbook that covers all main aspects of music playing and studying, based on a cognitive and psycho-acoustical approach. It includes numerous exercises and suggestions for music studying and practicing on all instruments.
Complete Scale Syllabus, pp. 90
More than 250 musical scales both from all over the world and unheard of before, including their modes, generated chords and cross relationships.
Scale and Chords for Modern/Jazz Piano, pp. 39
A complete workout for scales and chords on keyboard instruments, including fingerings for tens of scales and chords and exercise routines.
Collana MelodicamentePlay Melodica with Both Hands!, pp. 71
An adaptation of the well-known F. Beyer piano method “Preparatory School for Piano”, op. 101.
Volume I - Beginner to Intermediate
Melodic Intervals Workout, pp. 29
An innovative method to practice melodic interval on keyboard instruments such as melodica, piano, accordion and electronic keyboards/synths.
Disponibili su in Italiano:Fondamenti e Pratica della Musica, pp. 160, colori
Un testo teorico-pratico che affronta tutti gli aspetti principali del fare e studiare musica, basato su un approccio cognitivo e psico-acustico.
Include numerosi esercizi e suggerimenti per lo studio su tutti gli strumenti.
Scale e Accordi per Piano Moderno/Jazz, pp. 39
Un metodo completo per lo studio delle scale e degli accodi sugli strumenti a tastiera, incluse le diteggiature di decine di scale e accordi e routine di pratica.